Beta Cell Therapy Innovation Project Grant
Purpose: To support high-risk high-reward ideas that have the potential to advance the development of beta cell therapies and to test these at pace
Amount: Applications led by an individual researcher from any discipline: up to £200k; Applications jointly led by two researchers, a type 1 diabetes researcher and an academic from another discipline: up to £400k
Duration: 18-months to 2-years
Career Stage: Senior postdoctoral researchers on track to run an independent research group (with approval from your current group leader); non-clinical and clinical group leaders
Skills: Multidisciplinary – open to those working in any discipline
Location: Principal Applicants must be based at an academic Host Institution in the UK
Process: Two stage process 1) Stage 1 application: 3-page proposal, plain English summary of your research, patient and public involvement plan, brief finance breakdown, and a 2-minute pitch video; 2) If shortlisted to Stage 2 application: a full financial breakdown and a virtual 30-minute interview with the Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge Innovation Panel
Deadline: 19 February 2024: Stage 1 Application Deadline; 20 May 2024: Stage 2 Application Deadline; and Virtual Interviews : w/c 3 June 2024
Our Beta Cell Therapy Translational Programme Grant call identified two themes that need to be addressed to move us closer to beta cell therapies being a viable treatment option for those living with type 1 diabetes.
Theme 1: Design of beta cells fit for transplantation.
Theme 2: Approaches to regenerate beta cells.
If your idea falls outside of these two themes, please justify within your proposal how your idea has the potential to advance beta cell therapy research. We do not want to limit creativity and therefore, encourage novel ideas to be submitted that could address any unmet aspect of beta cell therapy research. We are looking for outside of the box thinking and are comfortable to invest in risky ideas that would be transformative if successful.
As part of this call, the following areas are out of remit, and applications submitted in these areas will be rejected before review:
- Identify/stratify those at risk of developing T1D
- Prevent or improve the diagnosis of T1D
- Address the complications of T1D
- Fund capital buildings, refurbishment, or other infrastructure costs
Eligibility criteria
The call is open to academic and clinical researchers from any discipline with an emphasis on multidisciplinary approaches. This includes:
- Senior post-doctoral researchers on track to run an independent research group (with approval from your current group leader).
- Non-clinical and clinical group leaders who are continuing to build their research groups.
- Established non-clinical and clinical group leaders.
Applications can be received from individual researchers or co-led by a type 1 diabetes researcher and a researcher not primarily focused on the condition. All Principal Applicants or Joint Lead Applicants must have a higher degree (PhD or equivalent), be based at an academic Host Institution within the UK, and in receipt of a salary for the duration of the Award, the exception being where Principal Applicants or Joint Lead Applicants are senior post-doctoral researchers and whose salaries are dependent on grant funding. Clinical researchers must be registered with the relevant regulatory body/council of their profession.
Applications may include other team members as required such as Co-Applicants and Collaborators who may be affiliated with a Host Institution within the UK or international. Co-Applicants should be involved in the development of the application and who, if funded, would have some responsibility for delivery of an aspect of the project. Collaborators provide specific expertise only and do not share in the responsibility for the delivery of the project. We will not accept applications led or co-led from industry but encourage industry involvement where it will add value to the project. Please refer to our Commercial Collaborations Policy which sets out our conditions when involving commercial entities in T1DGC grants and arrange a call with the Research Office to discuss your plans further.
Skills and expertise
We want to attract researchers:
- Tackling type 1 diabetes research
- Working on other conditions, you do not need to currently work on type 1 diabetes to apply as the Principal Applicant or a Co-Lead Applicant. We want to attract new thinking to the field.
- With skills that could be applied to the Beta Cell Therapy Grand Challenge including but not limited to stem cell scientists, immunologists, analytical chemists, medicinal chemists, and bioengineers.
- Who are creative thinkers, willing to embrace complex challenges and work across disciplines to devise novel solutions.
Application process
At Stage 1 application we ask that you submit a 3-page proposal, a plain English summary, a patient and public involvement plan, a brief finance breakdown and 2-minute pitch video via Diabetes UK’s Online Grants Management System – here you will find the instructions for completing the application form, including the format for the pitch video. To note at this stage, we will only require a top-level budget to be submitted that does not need to be approved by your Host Institution’s finance office. However, we ask that you notify them that you will be applying so that they can support with your Stage 2 application, if shortlisted. The Stage 2 application will only require a full financial breakdown, approved by the Host Institution. All shortlisted Stage 1 Applicants will be invited to attend a 30-minute virtual interview with the T1DGC Innovation Panel.
We encourage you to register to attend our webinar on 14 December 2023 at 14.00 GMT to hear more about this funding opportunity.
- Stage 1 application deadline: 19 February 2024
- Stage 1 shortlisting outcome: W/C 22 April 2024
- Stage 2 application deadline: 20 May 2024
- Virtual Interviews with the T1DGC Innovation Panel: W/C 3 June 2024
This funding is designed to allow innovative research ideas to rapidly progress from generation to testing. Therefore, we expect all awarded grants to commence no later than October 2024.
Assessment criteria
Stage 1 applications will be assessed by our specially convened T1DGC Innovation Panel that will include representatives from our Beta Cell Therapy Reviewer College in addition to co-opted experts with relevant perspectives.
The scientific reviewers will focus on:
- Whether the proposal is high-risk, high-reward and has the potential to be transformative and advance the development and/or translation of beta cell therapies if successful.
- The degree of novelty and innovation when compared to ongoing endeavours to tackle type 1 diabetes.
- Scientific excellence including expertise of the team to undertake and deliver the described research.
Given the high-risk nature of this funding call, applicants are not expected to submit any preliminary data.
All applicants will be provided feedback from T1DGC Innovation Panel.
Shortlisted stage 1 applications will also be reviewed by the Grants Advisory Panel (GAP) of people living with and affected by type 1 diabetes. GAP will specifically review the plain English summary and patient and public involvement plan and ensure that the research is relevant and important to people living with diabetes. We encourage Applicants to take an innovative approach to patient and public involvement and explore opportunities to involve and engage people living with and affected by type 1 diabetes in their project. Feedback from GAP will be provided to shortlisted Applicants ahead of the virtual interviews, at which representatives of GAP will be present.
Financial support
Applications led by an individual researcher from any discipline can apply for funding up to £200k. Applications jointly led by two researchers, a type 1 diabetes researcher and an academic from another discipline can apply for funding up to £400k.
Financial leverage is essential to the T1DGC initiative as we can do more together. Therefore, we ask that Applicants discuss this opportunity with their Host Institution and explore how we can work in partnership such as making contributions to the direct and/or indirect costs of research. In addition to this we encourage Applicants to seek out support from teams at their Host Institution that could provide support to successfully deliver an innovative project.
For administrative purposes the funding will need to be issued to one Host Institution with funds sub-contracted to the others involved in the project as required.
The funds can be used to cover:
- Materials, consumables and animal costs.
- Project specific equipment costs. While there is no upper limit on this amount, Host Institutions are expected to contribute towards the cost of requested equipment that is proportionate to the total amount requested.
- *Salary of the Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher leading the project if relevant.
- *Named staff with specific expertise, such as nurses, economists, and statisticians, for their time on the project. If you are unsure if the salary of a post will be covered, please contact the office to clarify.
- Travel and accommodation costs to visit collaborating institutes.
- Patient and public involvement costs.
For more information about disallowed costs, please visit General Guidelines for Research Grant Applicants.
* Studentships are an ineligible cost for this funding call. Diabetes UK will also not pay salaries on a cost recovery basis and is, therefore, unwilling to meet the salary costs of staff currently funded by the Higher Education Funding Council, NHS or equivalent. In cases where Principal Applicants’, Joint Lead Applicants’, or Co-Applicants’ salaries are dependent on grant funding we require a letter from the Host Institute confirming their salaries are dependent on grant funding. Where a Principal Applicant is a senior postdoctoral researcher, who’s salary is dependent on funding:
- We require a letter from the Host Institute confirming their salaries are dependent on grant funding
- We require another Applicant on the project who holds a tenured post at the Host Institute. Please note their role is to guide and mentor, rather than leading and undertaking the research.
Costs for National Insurance contributions and any superannuation should be added to salary costs at the point of application. These costs will not be considered after an award has been made. Known salary increments may be included on the application form but national pay awards may not.
Guidelines and terms and conditions
Frequently Asked Questions
General Guidelines for Research Grant Applicants
Guidance on Patient and Public Involvement in Research
Commercial Collaborations Policy
Steve Morgan Foundation Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge Grant Conditions
View the Beta Cell Therapy Innovation Project Grants webinar
For any questions about the Grand Challenge, please contact the Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge Funding Team: SMFGrandChallenge@diabetes.org.uk
Novel Insulins Innovation Incubator
Funding call

The Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge Partnership invites applications for funding under the Novel Insulins research area.
The Novel insulins Innovation Incubator call from the Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge is designed to support transformative research in the field of insulin development. This funding opportunity will make initial awards of up to £500,000 in phase 1. The call is open to academic groups and small to medium size biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies without geographical restrictions.
Award amount and duration
Phase 1 of this programme offers funding for up to 1 year with budgets capped at £500,000. Under exceptional circumstances such as the need to use large animal models, a higher budget (up to £1 million) may be considered. Please contact the JDRF UK Research Team early at SMFgrandchallenge@jdrf.org.uk to discuss such request.
Award holders from Phase 1 may be invited to submit a proposal to take their project into a second phase if their project meets key milestones and gives rise to promising results which could lead to benefits for those living with type 1 diabetes. It is envisaged that Phase 2 will offer a further 3 years of funding of around £3 million per project.
Timeline and deadlines for your research proposal
Launch Date: 28 November 2023
Pitch to Reviewing Panel (15 min presentation, 15 min questions): 20 February 2024
Conditional awards made: 20 February 2024
Invitation to Rebuttal: 8 May 2024
ANTICIPATED AWARD DATE (subject to changes): 13 June 2024
Earliest Start Date: 1 August 2024
The Steve Morgan Foundation has given an incredible £50 million donation to transform the lives of people living with type 1 diabetes and lead the global race to a cure. This investment is the largest-ever single gift in the UK for type 1 diabetes research.
The Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge is delivered in partnership through Diabetes UK and JDRF, and cultivates collaboration between world-leading researchers, scientific organisations, and diabetes charities to drive innovation and accelerate research breakthroughs worldwide.
During the Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge, £15 million will fund the Novel Insulins part of the initiative. This part of the Challenge is designed to drive innovation in insulin development with a goal of revolutionising insulin therapy for people who live with type 1 diabetes.
100 years after Banting and McLeod were awarded the Nobel prize for the development of insulin as a therapy for type 1 diabetes, insulin remains the cornerstone treatment for type 1 diabetes. Yet this treatment places a uniquely heavy burden on people who must use it. Even with all the recent advances in insulin delivery and glucose sensing technologies, people with type 1 are still expected to remain relentless in managing their condition. The insulins and tools available to help them in this task are imperfect, as evidenced by the fact that 68% of people with type 1 diabetes in the UK cannot achieve recommended glucose management targets. This leaves people who live with type 1 facing constant risks of hypo- and hyperglycaemia from the moment they are diagnosed with this condition.
Purpose of the funding call
This call is designed to drive transformational therapy development, so projects are sought that will advance concepts toward clinical development and delivery.
We welcome high risk/high reward projects that have the potential to move the field in big steps, not incremental developments. It is not limited to a particular type of novel insulin. Applications investigating any bold concept, for example glucose responsive insulins, liver targeted insulins, monomeric/dimeric insulins etc are equally welcome.
Strong preliminary data should form the basis of any application. Applications must show evidence that the potential product developed would be of interest to people with type 1 diabetes and offer a welcome alternative to current insulins.
It is expected that results will be published in peer-reviewed journals to benefit the broader scientific community. If the results warrant patenting, publication will be expected as soon as protection has been granted.
Eligibility criteria
This call is open to applicants affiliated with academic, medical or other recognised research institutions as well as to applicants affiliated with small to medium size biotechnology/pharmaceutical companies. There are no geographical restrictions.
The principal investigators must have an internationally competitive research track record in drug design or development. Principal investigators with chemistry and/or pharmacology backgrounds are welcome to apply and are encouraged to collaborate with researchers working in the type 1 diabetes field.
Applicants must have the relevant skills to facilitate the progression of their research to a critical juncture in the development pathway and a clear vision of the potential clinical impact of their product.
Applicants must ensure that the views and needs of people living with type 1 diabetes are taken into account in the development of the application and that equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) are considered within the proposal. Meaningful involvement of people who live with type 1 diabetes improves the quality and relevance of basic and clinical research by providing a different perspective. Inclusive research is also essential for generating more generalisable results and ultimately better healthcare. There are helpful resources on JDRF’s participation, engagement and involvement page.
Funding application process
This call for proposals follows a multistep process including a pitch to a panel of experts.
Applicants should submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) using the template provided, via email to smfgrandchallenge@jdrf.org.uk, to provide an overview of their research plan.
All LOIs will be assessed by the Novel Insulins Incubator Panel. Please note that the panel includes people living with type 1 diabetes but without directly relevant scientific training.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to pitch their idea to the Novel Insulins Incubator Panel by joining a virtual meeting.
Applicants will be offered a conditional award on the pitch day and will be invited to submit a complete research plan (full application), via RMS360.
Full applications will be reviewed, and if necessary the applicants may be asked to amend their proposals to address the reviewers’ comments.
Final review will be carried out ahead of final approval.
Assessment criteria
The following criteria will be considered during the assessment (including the pitch meeting):
- Significance,
- Innovation and high-quality science,
- Clarity and soundness of the proposed methods,
- Applicant and team track record and ability to deliver the proposed research, and facilities to conduct the proposed research,
- Potential impact on quality of life of people living with type 1 diabetes and involvement of people living with type 1 diabetes in the proposed research,
- Feasibility, the potential to deliver the stated outcomes within the timescales and budget,
- Value for money.
Guidelines and Terms & Conditions
To apply, please download and complete the application form. Please refer to the detailed guidelines and the Terms & Conditions.
Enquiries about this funding call
If you have any questions about this funding call, please email JDRF UK Research Team smfgrandchallenge@jdrf.org.uk.
Important documentation
Stem Cell Derived Beta Cell Foundry

Stem Cell Derived Beta Cell Foundry
Amount: Up to £5M but we strongly encourage in-kind financial contributions from the Principal Applicant’s Host Institution
Duration: 5 years
Skills: Independent group leader with a track record of producing stem cell derived beta cells and innovating protocols
Location: Principal Applicant must be based at an academic Host Institution in the UK
Process: Two Stage: 1) Initial discussion with the Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge (T1DGC) Research Funding Team; 2) Full Application and Interview
Initial discussion deadline: 21 June 2023 requested a call, with all calls having taken place by 28 June 2023. Full application deadline: 21 August 2023 and interviews: w/c 25 Sept 2023
To generate high-quality metabolically and immunogenically profiled wild-type and genetically modified stem cell derived beta cells for distribution for academic research purposes. These do not need to be GMP compliant
The availability of stem cell derived beta cells for academic research studies is limited due to the expertise needed and costs associated with production. Therefore, to enable research to be conducted at scale and for more researchers to focus on the development and advancement of beta cell therapies as a viable treatment strategy for people living with type 1 diabetes, we want to remove this barrier. To do so we have allocated up to £5M over five years to support the creation of a Foundry: A Stem Cell Derived Beta Cell Production and Distribution Centre led by an independent non-clinical or clinical group leader affiliated with an academic Host Institution within the UK.
Our vision is that the infrastructure established through this funding call will create a facility that helps to grow the beta cell research community within the UK. To maximise the utility and impact of this resource we ask that the Foundry has the capability to reliably produce genetically modified as well as wild-type stem cell derived beta cells that are mature and functional and potentially islets. Consideration should also be given to the development of appropriate freeze-thaw protocols to enable cell transportation. Other capabilities may be included with justification.
We ask that the Foundry prioritises collaborations with current and future T1DGC funded researchers. The T1DGC Research Funding team want to work closely with the appointed leader of the Foundry to provide stem cell derived beta cells to enable high-risk high-reward ideas to be tested at pace and to enable researchers from outside of the type 1 diabetes research community to focus on the development of beta cell therapies. A proportion of the stem cell derived beta cells produced may also be utilised by those listed on the application – Principal Applicant, Co-Applicant/s and Collaborator/s.
All applications should include a costing model with justifications that factors in how the available T1DGC funds, up to £5M over five years, will be used to cover consumable, staff and equipment costs. For example, we would expect Applicants to note how many researchers would be needed to produce a set number of stem cell derived beta cells/islets (X) over a defined period of time (Y). We also request that Applicants include a plan to transition the Foundry from fully funded by the T1DGC to financial independence. The goal being to produce a sustainable resource that outlives the initial five-year investment. This means that we encourage Applicants to consider longevity in their proposals and to clearly state how the Foundry will become self-sufficient over time. This could include but is not limited to the adoption of a cost per service model, scaling the facility over time and/or the provision of cells to groups outside of the UK as the Foundry matures.
Eligibility criteria
This call is open to non-clinical and clinical independent group leaders based at an academic Host Institution within the UK. Applications must be led by one Principal Applicant but can include other experts from their Host Institution as Co-Applicants. We ask that Co-applicant/s are involved in the development of the application and who, if funded, would have some responsibility for the management and/or delivery of certain aspects of the Foundry. Experts based at other Host Institutions should be listed as Collaborators. Collaborators provide specific expertise but are not responsible for delivery. We will not consider jointly led applications. This is because the Foundry must be based in one location and can’t be spread across multiple sites.
Skills and expertise
The Principal Applicant must have a track record of pioneering innovative approaches to generate stem cell derived beta cells. It is at the discretion of the Principal Applicant to recruit other experts to their research team as deemed necessary. These individuals do not have to have a track record in beta cell research but can bring complementary skills and expertise to the application.
Application process
This is a closed application so researchers who are interested in applying to this call need to first contact the T1DGC Research Funding team (smfgrandchallenge@diabetes.org.uk). This step will ensure that we can answer any questions about this opportunity and ensure all Applicants are prepared to pull together a detailed and competitive full application. Full applications will be opened on our system once these initial conversations have taken place.
Those interested in applying to this call need to reach out to us by the 21 June 2023.
All initial conversations will need to have taken place by 28 June 2023.
Full applications will need to be submitted by the 21 August 2023.
Interviews will take place w/c 25 September 2023.
Assessment criteria
Applications will be scientifically assessed by a subset of the Beta Cell Therapy Reviewer college, a group of international beta cell experts. The reviewers will focus on:
- The ability of the Principal Applicant to build and lead the proposed Foundry.
- The skills and expertise of the team, Co-Applicant/s and Collaborator/s, recruited to help devise the Foundry proposal and support the Principal Applicant.
- The research environment and the measures put in place to enable the Foundry to succeed, such as access to necessary facilities.
- The feasibility of the proposed milestone driven strategy to establish and sustain the Foundry. This should include how requests for cells will be triaged and collaborations established.
- The potential for impact on beta cell and islet research in the UK over the next five years.
- The sustainability plan, with an emphasis on the financial model needed to allow the Foundry to become self-sufficient over time and ensure that this is a resource that will outlast the five-year funding.
Applications will also be reviewed by experts by experience: people living with and affected by type 1 diabetes who are on the Diabetes UK Grants Advisory Panel (GAP). GAP does not comment on the scientific quality of the research but ensures that the research is relevant and important to people living with diabetes. It will be important for Applicants to convey the value of having a Foundry for the research community to access and to outline how this could lead to advancements that will benefit people living with type 1 diabetes. We encourage Applicants to also consider if there are innovative or novel opportunities presented by the Foundry to involve people living with and affected by type 1 diabetes.
Guidelines and terms and conditions
General Guidelines for Research Grant Applicants
Steve Morgan Foundation Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge Grant Conditions
Financial leverage is essential to the T1DGC initiative as we can do more together. Therefore, we ask that Applicants discuss this opportunity with their Host Institution and explore how we can work in partnership such as covering indirect costs and making contributions to the direct costs of research.
The up to £5M over five years can be used to cover:
- Material and consumable costs.
- Staff salaries. For example: technicians, research assistants, postdoctoral researchers*. Our Beta Cell Scientific Advisory Panel envision that a minimum of five members of staff would initially be required, three to produce the wild-type stem cell derived beta and cells and two to produce genetically modified lines.
- Project manager/co-ordinator costs may be provided in some cases, if essential, but this must be fully justified within the application.
- Travel and accommodation costs to visit collaborating institutes.
- Foundry specific equipment and associated maintenance costs for the duration of the grant.
* Studentships are an ineligible cost for this funding call. Diabetes UK will also not pay salaries on a cost recovery basis and is, therefore, unwilling to meet the salary costs of staff currently funded by the Higher Education Funding Council, NHS or equivalent. Where Principal Applicants or Co-Applicants salaries are dependent on grant funding, we would require a letter from the Host Institute confirming this. Diabetes UK will pay for named staff with specific expertise. If unsure if the salary of a post will be covered, please contact the office to clarify. Costs for National Insurance contributions and any superannuation should be added to salary costs at the point of application. These costs will not be considered after an award has been made. Known salary increments may be included on the application form but national pay awards may not.
For any questions about the Grand Challenge, please contact the SMF Grand Challenge Funding Team: SMFGrandChallenge@diabetes.org.uk
Novel Insulins Innovation Incubator
Funding call

The Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge Partnership invites applications for funding under the Novel Insulins research area.
The Novel insulins Innovation Incubator call from the Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge is designed to support transformative research in the field of insulin development. This funding opportunity will make initial awards of up to £500,000 in phase 1. The call is open to academic groups and small to medium size biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies without geographical restrictions.
Award amount and duration
Phase 1 of this programme offers funding for up to 1 year with budgets capped at £500,000. Under exceptional circumstances such as the need to use large animal models, a higher budget (up to £1 million) may be considered. Please contact the JDRF UK Research Team early at SMFgrandchallenge@jdrf.org.uk to discuss such request.
Award holders from Phase 1 may be invited to submit a proposal to take their project into a second phase if their project meets key milestones and gives rise to promising results which could lead to benefits for those living with type 1 diabetes. It is envisaged that Phase 2 will offer a further 3 years of funding of around £3 million per project.
Timeline and deadlines for your research proposal
Launch Date: 28 November 2023
Pitch to Reviewing Panel (15 min presentation, 15 min questions): 20 February 2024
Conditional awards made: 20 February 2024
Invitation to Rebuttal: 8 May 2024
ANTICIPATED AWARD DATE (subject to changes): 13 June 2024
Earliest Start Date: 1 August 2024
The Steve Morgan Foundation has given an incredible £50 million donation to transform the lives of people living with type 1 diabetes and lead the global race to a cure. This investment is the largest-ever single gift in the UK for type 1 diabetes research.
The Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge is delivered in partnership through Diabetes UK and JDRF, and cultivates collaboration between world-leading researchers, scientific organisations, and diabetes charities to drive innovation and accelerate research breakthroughs worldwide.
During the Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge, £15 million will fund the Novel Insulins part of the initiative. This part of the Challenge is designed to drive innovation in insulin development with a goal of revolutionising insulin therapy for people who live with type 1 diabetes.
100 years after Banting and McLeod were awarded the Nobel prize for the development of insulin as a therapy for type 1 diabetes, insulin remains the cornerstone treatment for type 1 diabetes. Yet this treatment places a uniquely heavy burden on people who must use it. Even with all the recent advances in insulin delivery and glucose sensing technologies, people with type 1 are still expected to remain relentless in managing their condition. The insulins and tools available to help them in this task are imperfect, as evidenced by the fact that 68% of people with type 1 diabetes in the UK cannot achieve recommended glucose management targets. This leaves people who live with type 1 facing constant risks of hypo- and hyperglycaemia from the moment they are diagnosed with this condition.
Purpose of the funding call
This call is designed to drive transformational therapy development, so projects are sought that will advance concepts toward clinical development and delivery.
We welcome high risk/high reward projects that have the potential to move the field in big steps, not incremental developments. It is not limited to a particular type of novel insulin. Applications investigating any bold concept, for example glucose responsive insulins, liver targeted insulins, monomeric/dimeric insulins etc are equally welcome.
Strong preliminary data should form the basis of any application. Applications must show evidence that the potential product developed would be of interest to people with type 1 diabetes and offer a welcome alternative to current insulins.
It is expected that results will be published in peer-reviewed journals to benefit the broader scientific community. If the results warrant patenting, publication will be expected as soon as protection has been granted.
Eligibility criteria
This call is open to applicants affiliated with academic, medical or other recognised research institutions as well as to applicants affiliated with small to medium size biotechnology/pharmaceutical companies. There are no geographical restrictions.
The principal investigators must have an internationally competitive research track record in drug design or development. Principal investigators with chemistry and/or pharmacology backgrounds are welcome to apply and are encouraged to collaborate with researchers working in the type 1 diabetes field.
Applicants must have the relevant skills to facilitate the progression of their research to a critical juncture in the development pathway and a clear vision of the potential clinical impact of their product.
Applicants must ensure that the views and needs of people living with type 1 diabetes are taken into account in the development of the application and that equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) are considered within the proposal. Meaningful involvement of people who live with type 1 diabetes improves the quality and relevance of basic and clinical research by providing a different perspective. Inclusive research is also essential for generating more generalisable results and ultimately better healthcare. There are helpful resources on JDRF’s participation, engagement and involvement page.
Funding application process
This call for proposals follows a multistep process including a pitch to a panel of experts.
Applicants should submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) using the template provided, via email to smfgrandchallenge@jdrf.org.uk, to provide an overview of their research plan.
All LOIs will be assessed by the Novel Insulins Incubator Panel. Please note that the panel includes people living with type 1 diabetes but without directly relevant scientific training.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to pitch their idea to the Novel Insulins Incubator Panel by joining a virtual meeting.
Applicants will be offered a conditional award on the pitch day and will be invited to submit a complete research plan (full application), via RMS360.
Full applications will be reviewed, and if necessary the applicants may be asked to amend their proposals to address the reviewers’ comments.
Final review will be carried out ahead of final approval.
Assessment criteria
The following criteria will be considered during the assessment (including the pitch meeting):
- Significance,
- Innovation and high-quality science,
- Clarity and soundness of the proposed methods,
- Applicant and team track record and ability to deliver the proposed research, and facilities to conduct the proposed research,
- Potential impact on quality of life of people living with type 1 diabetes and involvement of people living with type 1 diabetes in the proposed research,
- Feasibility, the potential to deliver the stated outcomes within the timescales and budget,
- Value for money.
Guidelines and Terms & Conditions
To apply, please download and complete the application form. Please refer to the detailed guidelines and the Terms & Conditions.
Enquiries about this funding call
If you have any questions about this funding call, please email JDRF UK Research Team smfgrandchallenge@jdrf.org.uk.
Stem Cell Derived Beta Cell Foundry

Stem Cell Derived Beta Cell Foundry
Amount: Up to £5M but we strongly encourage in-kind financial contributions from the Principal Applicant’s Host Institution
Duration: 5 years
Skills: Independent group leader with a track record of producing stem cell derived beta cells and innovating protocols
Location: Principal Applicant must be based at an academic Host Institution in the UK
Process: Two Stage: 1) Initial discussion with the Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge (T1DGC) Research Funding Team; 2) Full Application and Interview
Initial discussion deadline: 21 June 2023 requested a call, with all calls having taken place by 28 June 2023. Full application deadline: 21 August 2023 and interviews: w/c 25 Sept 2023
To generate high-quality metabolically and immunogenically profiled wild-type and genetically modified stem cell derived beta cells for distribution for academic research purposes. These do not need to be GMP compliant
The availability of stem cell derived beta cells for academic research studies is limited due to the expertise needed and costs associated with production. Therefore, to enable research to be conducted at scale and for more researchers to focus on the development and advancement of beta cell therapies as a viable treatment strategy for people living with type 1 diabetes, we want to remove this barrier. To do so we have allocated up to £5M over five years to support the creation of a Foundry: A Stem Cell Derived Beta Cell Production and Distribution Centre led by an independent non-clinical or clinical group leader affiliated with an academic Host Institution within the UK.
Our vision is that the infrastructure established through this funding call will create a facility that helps to grow the beta cell research community within the UK. To maximise the utility and impact of this resource we ask that the Foundry has the capability to reliably produce genetically modified as well as wild-type stem cell derived beta cells that are mature and functional and potentially islets. Consideration should also be given to the development of appropriate freeze-thaw protocols to enable cell transportation. Other capabilities may be included with justification.
We ask that the Foundry prioritises collaborations with current and future T1DGC funded researchers. The T1DGC Research Funding team want to work closely with the appointed leader of the Foundry to provide stem cell derived beta cells to enable high-risk high-reward ideas to be tested at pace and to enable researchers from outside of the type 1 diabetes research community to focus on the development of beta cell therapies. A proportion of the stem cell derived beta cells produced may also be utilised by those listed on the application – Principal Applicant, Co-Applicant/s and Collaborator/s.
All applications should include a costing model with justifications that factors in how the available T1DGC funds, up to £5M over five years, will be used to cover consumable, staff and equipment costs. For example, we would expect Applicants to note how many researchers would be needed to produce a set number of stem cell derived beta cells/islets (X) over a defined period of time (Y). We also request that Applicants include a plan to transition the Foundry from fully funded by the T1DGC to financial independence. The goal being to produce a sustainable resource that outlives the initial five-year investment. This means that we encourage Applicants to consider longevity in their proposals and to clearly state how the Foundry will become self-sufficient over time. This could include but is not limited to the adoption of a cost per service model, scaling the facility over time and/or the provision of cells to groups outside of the UK as the Foundry matures.
Eligibility criteria
This call is open to non-clinical and clinical independent group leaders based at an academic Host Institution within the UK. Applications must be led by one Principal Applicant but can include other experts from their Host Institution as Co-Applicants. We ask that Co-applicant/s are involved in the development of the application and who, if funded, would have some responsibility for the management and/or delivery of certain aspects of the Foundry. Experts based at other Host Institutions should be listed as Collaborators. Collaborators provide specific expertise but are not responsible for delivery. We will not consider jointly led applications. This is because the Foundry must be based in one location and can’t be spread across multiple sites.
Skills and expertise
The Principal Applicant must have a track record of pioneering innovative approaches to generate stem cell derived beta cells. It is at the discretion of the Principal Applicant to recruit other experts to their research team as deemed necessary. These individuals do not have to have a track record in beta cell research but can bring complementary skills and expertise to the application.
Application process
This is a closed application so researchers who are interested in applying to this call need to first contact the T1DGC Research Funding team (smfgrandchallenge@diabetes.org.uk). This step will ensure that we can answer any questions about this opportunity and ensure all Applicants are prepared to pull together a detailed and competitive full application. Full applications will be opened on our system once these initial conversations have taken place.
Those interested in applying to this call need to reach out to us by the 21 June 2023.
All initial conversations will need to have taken place by 28 June 2023.
Full applications will need to be submitted by the 21 August 2023.
Interviews will take place w/c 25 September 2023.
Assessment criteria
Applications will be scientifically assessed by a subset of the Beta Cell Therapy Reviewer college, a group of international beta cell experts. The reviewers will focus on:
- The ability of the Principal Applicant to build and lead the proposed Foundry.
- The skills and expertise of the team, Co-Applicant/s and Collaborator/s, recruited to help devise the Foundry proposal and support the Principal Applicant.
- The research environment and the measures put in place to enable the Foundry to succeed, such as access to necessary facilities.
- The feasibility of the proposed milestone driven strategy to establish and sustain the Foundry. This should include how requests for cells will be triaged and collaborations established.
- The potential for impact on beta cell and islet research in the UK over the next five years.
- The sustainability plan, with an emphasis on the financial model needed to allow the Foundry to become self-sufficient over time and ensure that this is a resource that will outlast the five-year funding.
Applications will also be reviewed by experts by experience: people living with and affected by type 1 diabetes who are on the Diabetes UK Grants Advisory Panel (GAP). GAP does not comment on the scientific quality of the research but ensures that the research is relevant and important to people living with diabetes. It will be important for Applicants to convey the value of having a Foundry for the research community to access and to outline how this could lead to advancements that will benefit people living with type 1 diabetes. We encourage Applicants to also consider if there are innovative or novel opportunities presented by the Foundry to involve people living with and affected by type 1 diabetes.
Guidelines and terms and conditions
General Guidelines for Research Grant Applicants
Steve Morgan Foundation Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge Grant Conditions
Financial leverage is essential to the T1DGC initiative as we can do more together. Therefore, we ask that Applicants discuss this opportunity with their Host Institution and explore how we can work in partnership such as covering indirect costs and making contributions to the direct costs of research.
The up to £5M over five years can be used to cover:
- Material and consumable costs.
- Staff salaries. For example: technicians, research assistants, postdoctoral researchers*. Our Beta Cell Scientific Advisory Panel envision that a minimum of five members of staff would initially be required, three to produce the wild-type stem cell derived beta and cells and two to produce genetically modified lines.
- Project manager/co-ordinator costs may be provided in some cases, if essential, but this must be fully justified within the application.
- Travel and accommodation costs to visit collaborating institutes.
- Foundry specific equipment and associated maintenance costs for the duration of the grant.
* Studentships are an ineligible cost for this funding call. Diabetes UK will also not pay salaries on a cost recovery basis and is, therefore, unwilling to meet the salary costs of staff currently funded by the Higher Education Funding Council, NHS or equivalent. Where Principal Applicants or Co-Applicants salaries are dependent on grant funding, we would require a letter from the Host Institute confirming this. Diabetes UK will pay for named staff with specific expertise. If unsure if the salary of a post will be covered, please contact the office to clarify. Costs for National Insurance contributions and any superannuation should be added to salary costs at the point of application. These costs will not be considered after an award has been made. Known salary increments may be included on the application form but national pay awards may not.
For any questions about the Grand Challenge, please contact the SMF Grand Challenge Funding Team: SMFGrandChallenge@diabetes.org.uk
For any questions about the Grand Challenge, please contact the SMF Grand Challenge Funding Team: SMFGrandChallenge@diabetes.org.uk
Type 1 Diabetes Senior Research Fellowship

Type 1 Diabetes Senior Research Fellowship
This senior research fellowship provides funding for type 1 diabetes researchers who have a track record of leading impactful research, and to become international leaders in their field and lead the race for a cure for type 1 diabetes.
Becoming a type 1 diabetes Senior Research Fellow will make you part of the programme of Steve Morgan Foundation funded research, which will bring together researchers from across the UK all motivated by accelerating progress to a cure for type 1 diabetes.
This fellowship will be administered by Diabetes UK on behalf of the Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge Partnership.
Applications are invited which will lead to new treatments for type 1 diabetes and help us reach a cure, specifically focused on:
- Investigation into the root causes of type 1 diabetes.
- Replacing and restoring beta cells in people with type 1 diabetes.
We also welcome applications that address both areas, for example how immunotherapies could advance replacing or restoring beta cells. Applications must be focused on improving the lives of people with type 1 diabetes. This may range from basic through to translational and clinical research if there is a clear line of sight to impact for people living with type 1 diabetes.
This fellowship is open to clinical and non-clinical researchers.
- Applicants should already be a leader in their field and be leading their own independent research group.
- Applicants should have a higher degree (PhD or equivalent) and significant research experience.
- Applicants must have a track record of holding independent research funding and have made significant contributions to their area of research.
- Applicants must clearly detail how this award will help to support early career researchers in their team, and show demonstrable experience.
- Clinical researchers should be registered healthcare professionals.
- Applicants must have the support of a host institute in the UK.
Please note:
- There are no eligibility rules based on years of postdoctoral experience.
- You are not eligible to apply if you have previously held a comparable senior fellowship.
- You cannot hold a salaried position and a fellowship at the same time.
- If you are awarded a fellowship, you will need to give up your permanent position for the duration of the fellowship or change to a proleptic appointment.
- We will consider any career breaks, flexible working and changes in field when assessing your research experience and current track record.
- Clinical fellows may undertake up to two clinical sessions per week and non-clinical fellows may undertake up to six hours per week for non-fellowship activities such as teaching and other projects for the duration of the award (pro rata for part-time fellows).
Fellowship duration and financial support
Applicants can apply for up to a total of £1.5 million over five years. Please contact SMFGrandChallenge@diabetes.org.uk if your application exceeds this amount before submitting. Funding can cover:
- Salary for the fellow.
- Salary for additional staff.
- Consumable, materials, animal and project specific equipment costs.
- Costs associated with a period overseas.
- Costs associated with travel and registration for conferences.
- Project relevant training costs.
- Patient and public involvement costs.
A contribution towards the cost of the fellowship by the host institution would be welcomed and applicants are asked to detail this in the application. This may include in-kind contributions.
All costs must be fully justified and will be considered by the review Panel. Please visit our general guidelines for grant applicants to learn what cost are covered by Diabetes UK, and any disallowed costs.
What this fellowship will give you
- Fellows will be part of the Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge programme of funded research and will join a community of researchers across the UK leading the race to a cure for type 1 diabetes.
- Fellows will be able to access the Academy of Medical Sciences mentorship scheme.
- Awards may be held on a part time basis to meet personal commitments (excluding professional commitments).
This funding round is now closed.
Administrative processes
Peer Review
All applications will be sent out for external peer review. All applicants will be informed well in advance when they should expect to hear if they have been shortlisted for interview.
Diabetes UK Grants Advisory Panel (GAP) review
A sub-Panel of GAP will discuss all Fellowship applications. GAP is comprised of people living with and affected by diabetes, who use the lay summary of each grant application to establish how relevant the research is to people living with diabetes.
Panel Shortlisting and interview
Applications will be sent to a specialist review Panel, to make recommendations for shortlisting based on the peer review and GAP comments, using the criteria listed below. Due to the nature of this fellowship, international experts will be co-opted as Panel members.
Applicants will be informed via email whether they have been shortlisted for interview. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend an interview with the relevant Panel, including a member of the GAP. Anonymised peer reviews will be sent to all applicants ahead of interviews, along with GAP member comments.
Interviews will take place in December 2022. Shortlisted applicants will be required to give a 10-minute presentation on background and justification for their proposal.
Assessment criteria
- Potential impact on the lives of people with type 1 diabetes
- Scientific quality, and novelty, of the proposal and its relevance to people with type 1 diabetes
- Leadership experience and track record of the applicant
- Quality of the research environment and support.
Funding decisions
Feedback letters will be sent to all lead applicants within one month of the interview.
Funded applicants will have two weeks to respond to comments raised by the review Panel.
Funded applicants should expect to receive an award letter within two months of the interview.